Important element of letters

  1. The return address – which can be formatted as a letterhead to look attractive.  This can be done with the use of different fonts and sizes and with borders.
  2. The date – this should always be aligned left.
  3. The recipient’s address – this should be aligned left.
  4. The salutation – DEAR is used and there is usually a comma after the name.  Sometimes there is a colon after the name.
  5. There are always 2 enters between each item of the letter except 4 enters after the closure.
  6. The closure is always followed by a comma.  There are different closures.  Some examples are Sincerely, Sincerely yours, Cordially, Cordially yours.
  7. If there is to be something included with the letter it is indicated by writing:    Enc:  #


Some tips include:

·        It is okay to abbreviate some of the address.  When you have directions in the street or avenues you can use capital letters and no periods.  For example, NE instead of N.E.

·        Use the correct abbreviation for states which is always two capital letters with no period.  For example, FL

·        READ the letter and check for spelling, capital letters, and punctuation.


To format letters it is a good idea to:

Print preview to see how long the letter is.  

If the letter is short and there is a lot of white space at the bottom of the page it is good to increase the right and left margins a little.  It is also okay to increase the top and bottom if it needs it. 

It looks good to justify the text of the body.

Bulleted lists can be moved in a little to create more space.


Open a WORD document and save it in your folder as letter quiz. Make a letterhead using your name and address and phone number.  The rest of the letter has been typed for you.  Just copy and paste it and format it.


Copy and paste the letter onto a WORD document.  Format the letter.  Use the letter writing tips above to insure that your letter looks as good as possible. 

You will need to delete some of the directions.

Do not print the letter.  It will be checked on the computer.